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Exercise makes me healthier in WEEK28~



One day, I was chatting with a taxi driver. He was driving a BYD Han and said that he had lost 400 during the pandemic. I asked if he was still doing it now. I also wanted to start a food and beverage business. The driver advised against it, saying that the water was too deep and whoever did it would lose money. Hahaha, it made me laugh. I think opening a Meixuebingcheng should be fine too.

A unique and funny little car 🚗
I can't sleep! I don't know whether to buy the DJI Action 4 or the Pocket 3. And the next generation of products will be released soon! I'm so anxious. DJI, if you release the Action 5 now, I'll buy it immediately! After deep reflection for a long time, I have figured out my needs. People with partners or who are single should buy the Pocket, and those who are in a relationship should buy the Action. Actually, you can also take photos with your phone, but sometimes it can make others feel offended.
I feel like a child who wants toys and looks at them every day but can't bear to buy them. My rationality tells me that if I buy them, they will definitely gather dust. My emotions tell me that I just want them!

Damn, I lost my bracelet! I bought a white jade bodhi bracelet before. Although it's not expensive, it has formed ice patterns. What a pity!!

It will be 20 years before I can change my ID card again!

I was shocked to see someone eating salty soy milk today! I paid 4 yuan for my tofu pudding!

I watched Shen Teng and Ma Li's "Claw Machine" on the bus for an hour. After watching it, I wanted to go and have a look at the vegetable pancake. It's a 15-minute walk, but the vegetable pancake shop was closed. It's being rented out. How amusing.
This movie theater even has a small book corner. It's so funny!

After running, I bought spicy yam sticks, which were so spicy that my stomach hurt! I even thought about calling an ambulance. I thought it would be too embarrassing to go to the hospital because of eating spicy snacks.


The electronic market is now just like the note-taking market, both of them have excess performance. For most people, whether it's a phone or an electronic product, let's just talk about phones, it already meets 80-90% of the needs of ordinary users. The rest of the needs are additional requirements from professional users. They hope that these things can be All in one, just like note-taking. However, the reality is that most people don't use their phones to such a high extent, just like they only use a few common functions on their phones. For example, I have a high demand for cameras, but in reality, I don't use the camera that much. It's the same with note-taking. I may have installed many note-taking apps on my phone or computer, but I actually use very few notes. I may not even fill up a free cloud storage, but I am still tirelessly looking for new note-taking apps. This is actually a manifestation of performance surplus hamster syndrome.
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Most of the time, when we pick up our notebooks, we don't know what to write. It's like having a very useful phone but not knowing what to use it for. So I think the best way at this stage is to record or use it, and then maximize its functionality. Instead of focusing on its shortcomings, focus more on recording. This way, no matter which note-taking app or phone you use, it can give you a very good experience and positive feedback.

Now, I really want to use WPS Cloud Documents if there are any security incidents or cloud unavailability.

I was shocked that the watch Xiaocai bought for me can change the album dial, connect to Bluetooth headphones, and even store songs. Now I can go running without carrying my phone, haha.
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Maybe because of the recent intense running and weight loss, my blood lipids have reached a normal level, but my uric acid is still high, which is embarrassing. I feel like I don't eat much meat, drink much milk tea 😵‍💫, or drink much beer!!! result.jpeg


Hahaha, no matter what people say about work, I'm doing fine. I seem like a fool.

Movies, TV Shows, Books#

Good news! The trailer for "Life Surgery 2" is out, great!
Bad news, "Life Surgery 2" will be released on January 17th next year, so frustrating!
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I originally planned to go to bed early, but "Walking and Stopping" leaked online, so I stayed up an extra hour to finish watching it. Life always comes to an abrupt end, and you never know whether happiness or accidents will come first. Just don't have any regrets.

Here, I want to mention Trump, Thai Spicy Pants, and the appearance of personal heroes in the United States. They are amazing.

"Claw Machine" has an abstract feeling similar to "The Truman Show". Maybe it's because it's in mainland China, so it can abstractly depict Ma Xian 🤣
At the claw machine place, two movie tickets can be exchanged for a hamburger 🍔. The hamburger is quite delicious, with a strong milky flavor. I love it!
I think "Anti-Black Hero" is pretty good, but it's a bit monotonous because there are no corrupt police officers, only undercover agents. But now even the Triads are keeping up with the times and know how to save money. I've been wondering if the plot is fictional or real. It's the 21st century, and there's fighting every day.
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It's a pity that I don't have many photos and videos with Xiaocai. The more I look at sports cameras, the more I want to buy one, even though I don't do sports.

The memories I have with Xiaocai are the most important treasure!

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