

好软推荐 / 效率提升 / 自我管理 / 系统方法论 / 变现点子王

Finally experienced the joy of exercise in WEEK31




One day, it was raining in Beijing, and I had planned to take the bus to work. However, as soon as I stepped out, the wind and rain suddenly intensified. So, I decided to take a taxi to work. I started calling for a taxi at 7:40 and by 8:15, I still hadn't gotten one. I went from being the 8th in line to the 2nd, and then the ranking stopped changing. Unbelievable! Even my colleague from the same community tried to book a ride with a ride-hailing service but couldn't get one. In the end, this colleague and another colleague with a car communicated and the one with a car gave us a ride to work. Despite not having breakfast, I am extremely grateful to the colleague who drove us. I think ride-hailing services must be making a lot of money on rainy days! It seems that there are still many job opportunities in this line of work.

When I finished work, I chatted with the taxi driver. He told me that on rainy days, they usually get a lot of customers and it's difficult to find a taxi. Everyone goes to the city, so it's also difficult to find a taxi in the countryside. It made me wonder how those people who managed to find a taxi did it, it's puzzling.

This was also the time when I wanted to drive the most. Not having a driver's license has become my last reason for not buying a car and not driving, but the truth is, I don't know how to reverse... But I actually really want to buy a car, especially a Tesla. I'm curious about the entertainment system in a Tesla or even an electric car. How much fun can it be? Of course, I'm still a bit afraid of electric cars, I always feel like they're not reliable. Especially the feeling of acceleration, it always makes my heart race.

Why do we have fewer friends as we grow older? First of all, it's related to energy. Maintaining a friendship requires a lot of energy, and I'm exhausted from work every day. It's already difficult enough for me to have the energy to go for a run. And some people can only do things alone, maybe I prefer to work alone?
On the weekend, I had a meal with my colleagues and we made a pact to find better places to work and leave together in the future. It's hilarious to see how chaotic the company is now!

Recently, I've noticed a strange phenomenon about myself. I feel unhappy when playing games or watching TV shows, and I don't feel like studying. I feel tired and lacking energy all day, and only the exhaustion from running makes me feel truly alive. I don't know how to change this. (Just complaining without reason, because I got COVID-19)


This week, I had planned to ride my bike to Hongluo Temple on Saturday because I didn't feel right and wanted to seek solace outside. However, I realized that I might have contracted COVID-19 again. I had made plans with my colleagues to go on Saturday, and I said that if it rained, I wouldn't go. My colleague said, "Isn't it more fun to ride a bike in the rain?". On Saturday, my throat was extremely sore, and I woke up at 4 am. I looked at the weather outside and it was a bit cloudy, making it difficult to judge if it would rain. According to the weather forecast, there was no rain. After waiting for another 5 and a half hours, it was finally 9:30, the agreed time.

My colleague said, "It's raining today, let's not go."
I said, "Your weather forecast is not reliable, let's go."
My colleague said, "Forget it."
I thought to myself, didn't we say we would go even if it rained? Besides, it was only light rain today.
"I'll go by myself."
I rode my bike for a while and it started drizzling. I thought if I had left at 4 or 5 o'clock, I would have already arrived by now, and it wouldn't be raining. Well, let it drizzle. I rode the bike my colleague lent me, a Merida Duke 600. Although I don't know much about bicycles, I've heard that it's a famous brand. I only know Xidelong, Xidesheng, Decathlon, Giant, Flying Pigeon, Yongjiu, and Phoenix. Anyway, I rode for about 5 kilometers and was afraid that the rain would get heavier, so I decided to go back home. When I arrived at my doorstep, I realized that the rain had stopped. I checked the time and it was almost 10 o'clock. I thought, forget it, I won't go today. I cooked three dumplings for lunch.

I had to work overtime on Sunday. When I woke up in the morning, my throat didn't hurt anymore, but my nose started running like crazy. My head was a bit dizzy, but I didn't have a fever. I came to the office and finished my work in an hour. I was thinking about whether to take the company's corporate car (since I was leaving from the office) and ride a shared bike back home, or just go home by bike, or take a taxi both ways. Since it was raining that day and I had a 10 yuan coupon for a ride-hailing service that I hadn't used, I thought taking a taxi wouldn't be too expensive.

After much consideration, I decided to take a taxi home and ride my bike back. There were three reasons for this: First, I felt guilty using the company's corporate car for personal use, even though the company's money is not mine to spend, there are many ways they exploit us, but you can't bite the hand that feeds you. Absolutely no other meaning. Second, I went there with the intention of exercising, and I had borrowed a bike from a colleague, so there was no reason to take a taxi or ride a shared bike back. It's like borrowing 10 million to buy a house and then telling everyone the next day that I'm not buying it anymore, it's too much trouble. Third, I was scared, scared that I wouldn't be able to find a taxi. Having a car would definitely be convenient, even a bicycle.

So, I went. Even though the sun was scorching outside, I brought a bottle of mineral water and set off. Speaking of mineral water, I thought there would be snacks and drinks in the office, so I planned to take some from there. But when I looked in the snack cabinet, there was nothing. It was empty. I was shocked. I had checked the notification that snacks had arrived that day and took a look, but in just two weeks, everything was gone. It seems that next time when there are snacks, I'll have to buy in bulk from the snack cabinet, even if I feel embarrassed, it's for my own sake.

As I rode, I realized that riding this kind of mountain bike for the first time was uncomfortable because the narrow seat made my buttocks feel very uncomfortable. I had to change positions or get off the bike to rest every now and then, rubbing my buttocks. It was quite embarrassing. While riding, I encountered a road that was under construction. The bike lane and the motor vehicle lane merged into one. After passing the construction cones, the staff signaled me to use the motor vehicle lane. I was thrilled to be riding on the motor vehicle lane for the first time, and it was completely justified. Riding through the traffic, I gradually understood the thoughts of those who ride motorcycles.

I often watch videos by Chuang Ge (a popular online content creator), and now I understand the difficulties he faces. Riding a bike is so tiring! It's even more dangerous when there's no water or food.

Gradually, I saw more and more cyclists. They were all road cyclists, and they were probably faster than me. I had no intention of comparing myself to them. At this point, I was already cycling on an empty stomach and couldn't think of anything else. I just wanted to get home quickly and have a drink and rest.

With only 2 kilometers left to home, I was too tired to continue riding, so I had to take a break. I noticed that when riding a bike, I feel like I'm being magnified. Maybe I didn't feel the wind, but I always felt like I was riding against the wind. The last two kilometers were even more difficult, as soon as I got off the bike, I felt like I was about to faint. Dizzy, I lay down immediately. The world was spinning, and I felt nauseous, just like when I drank too much alcohol. I could only lie flat to alleviate the dizziness. I drank two glasses of water while stumbling, and gradually felt better. I lost three pounds according to the scale. Those three pounds were worth it. Today, a colleague saw me and said, "Your voice sounds different, and your face looks sunken. COVID-19 is really scary." I secretly rejoiced that it had nothing to do with COVID-19, it was just that I had lost weight.

Technology and Software#

I recently supported TickTick, the calendar view is so useful!

Movies, TV Shows, and Books#

Finished watching "Tang Gui's Journey to the West", it's good.
In "Tang Gui's Journey to the West," the demon king comes off the wall, and the painter is hesitant to add the finishing touches because he hasn't found inspiration. So, he tells others that he's afraid the demon king will die laughing. But this painter still has integrity and doesn't use evil objects, so he blinds himself. One person, one life, one painting, admirable!

Why did Guo Zhuang die as soon as he appeared! I thought Guo Zhuang would survive and have a role, but he died right away.

Duo Bao was actually killed! It's so tragic. The scenery on the road is so beautiful, I must visit Dunhuang in the future and see Crescent Lake and the Yardang Landform.

Finally finished watching "The Antique Bureau Inception" series. The third part was the best, but the last part was a bit disappointing. The protagonist became more and more foolish, and there were too many good friends helping him, although they couldn't be considered true friends, as several big shots helped him. I liked the protagonist in the first part, but as the story went on, he became more and more foolish, and I just couldn't like him anymore. Yao Ran's character was good, smiling while hiding a knife, very ruthless, a bit like Chen Junnan in "The Last Ten Days". The part about the life and death ceremony in the series left a deep impression on me, and I always think of the words Mu Rong Ziying said, "If you make this promise, you must keep it for life."


I had a dream about the college entrance examination. There was a small house with a few people: one person I knew and another person I didn't know. But he knew how to read fortunes, and I knew too. I saw that his aura was particularly weak, and I felt like I was about to hiccup, and I was weak too, I was about to hiccup. There was also a girl who could read fortunes, and we chatted for a while, and the next day she didn't take the exam. Later, I went to the sixth floor of a place, first went to the fifth floor, and then the person said that our friend said he couldn't go to the sixth floor in the morning, but I said I could go, and then they left.

On the third day, I went to the sixth floor. Last time, I recognized a group of people, and it seemed like they were opening a restaurant there. Their archenemy came and opened a place that wasn't good. Later, I found out that during the exam, I encountered that girl, and she disappeared. In fact, she was kidnapped. She was the daughter of a famous chairman of a steel group and had control over core technology. It just so happened that the archenemy wanted to steal the technological achievements, so he kidnapped the girl.
(A somewhat chaotic dream, very disorganized)


Today I saw a rainbow, how wonderful! It would be even better if I could take a walk with Xiaocai in this weather!

At Hongluo Temple, I remembered the day when Xiaocai and I went to the Lu Xun Museum together. Xiaocai took a photo of me, and there were people waiting behind us. I didn't like taking photos in the first place, and when Xiaocai took the photo once and it didn't turn out well, she took another one. I had a slightly impatient tone and said, "Haven't you finished yet? Others are waiting to take photos too." Then Xiaocai said she wouldn't take any more photos. Then I said it was okay, it was okay, go ahead and take it. Xiaocai got angry and kept walking, and we ended up arguing on the street. Cute Xiaocai, it's all my fault for being impatient.

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